About V Hotel

V Hotel lies right in the middle of Helsingborg, where the heart of the city pulsates with life. 

A boutique hotel, centrally located in Helsingborg

V Hotel lies right in the middle of Helsingborg, where the heart of the city pulsates with life. A forum for those who like personalised design, comfortable atmosphere and a home-away-from-home feeling. A four-star boutique hotel in a historic building that offers all the comfort you need. Every room is warm, personal and uniquely decorated. Have a seat in our living room, a pleasant and vibrant meeting place that encourages both focused work and relaxed conversation over a glass of wine by the fireplace, an after-work or a cocktail before the night sets in.

Our History

In 1850 the building hosted a tavern called The Moon. In 1929, the building was reconstructed and became Hotel Vega – a contemporary maritime hotel. Fifty years later, the hotel underwent a major renovation. All the rooms were equipped with a shower and WC. At the same time, the name was changed to Hotel Viking The history of the hotel mirrors its hosts and in-keepers, from Miss Holst in 1980, Miss Anderson in 1929, the Algot couple and Rut Karlsson who opened the famous Ölstugan in 1935, followed by Folke Mattsson in 1954, the Kaj family and Irene Larsson with relatives in 1977 and the Edlund family who expanded the hotel in 1986. In 2014, the current owners, the family Jakobsson, took over. They are now taking the hotel into the future by launching a modern and centrally located boutique hotel, unique for Helsingborg. A hotel called V Hotel Helsingborg.

In 2014, today’s owner, the Jakobsson family, took over the hotel.


New times, trends and behaviour patterns lead to change

In 1929, we opened Hotel Vega, at that time the most modern maritime hotel. Fifty years later, the hotel was transformed into a bed-and-breakfast hotel and the name was changed to Hotel Viking. Now is the time for the next step – a four-star boutique hotel with full service. The letter V is part of our heritage. Centrally located, V Hotel is a place for the modern and design-interested person seeking personal meeting places with a relaxed atmosphere. A place that differs from others, one where you are welcome as the unique individual you are. Where high quality in combination with details and design make the difference.

Welcome to V Hotel – a boutique hotel centrally located in Helsingborg


Dandelion Child, Sydafrika

Maskrosen, eller Dandelion på engelska, är en växt som är känd för att överleva under extremt svåra förhållanden.

Likt denna måste maskrosbarnen i Sydafrika klara att göra samma sak. Det är just detta vi vill medverka till och ge barnen förutsättningar till en bättre framtid.
Därför kallas projektet för Dandelion – för maskrosbarn i Sydafrika.

Verksamheten ger barn utan föräldrar möjligheten till ett bra liv genom bidrag som går oavkortat till mat, hälsa och vuxenstöd. Som ger barnen och dess omgivning i utsatta delar av Sydafrika möjlighet att skapa en bättre framtid och en relation med en annan del av världen.

Dandelion är ett fantastiskt projekt som lever med oss dagligen genom vårt egna fadderbarn på Statt, Smangele. Ett arbete som verkligen gör skillnad.


Say Hello to Nelliah!

At the V Hotel are we proud caretakers, together with Dandelion Child programme, of the South African orphan Nelliah. We write each other’s letters as pen pals, and for those employees who want donates 10kr of each pay check and collected donations for Christmas, birthdays and other necessities for Nelliah.

About V Hotel

V Hotel lies right in the middle of Helsingborg, where the heart of the city pulsates with life. A forum for those who like personalised design, comfortable atmosphere and a home-away-from-home feeling.





